miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

My favorite piece of technology is my cell phone because it is very useful, my first cell phone was a gift from my mother, she wanted to communicate with me at all moments, also I moved to a school further from my home and the cell phone helped us to be in contact for any emergency, with the time I got to know a little more about  technology and the different uses it had.
Little by little I feel that I can´t leave my cell phone in my house if I go out because  I write everything on my cell phone, and I have my class schedule , my music for the way home, I feel that my cell phone helps me at all times especially because my memory is poor and with alarms and notes I can remember important things. My life without my cell phone would be a disaster and I would have to put post it  all over the place to not forget anything and with the music in the road to my house I don´t know.

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