domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

publication 3

 I decided to study food engineering because I find it too interesting to be part of the whole process of food from its harvest to its consumption. I consider it important to consume quality products and to know how the health rules were fulfilled both in the packaging process and in transport, in its chains of cold or heat and know about this has enormous benefits that start from the same health of the consumer and can become something much more global if someone decided to create their own innovative product as are some organic or that come from waste that was wasted and have many vitamins these can heal diseases as well as improve the lives of all, For me it is a unique world that can always be further developed and improved. I also decided to study this because I also like the economic part, managing the business side of the food industry but also knowing the product and this career encompassed all those points, Designing, organizing and managing industrial food establishments and Developing and participating in physical, chemical and microbiological transformation processes for food production.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think the sanitary conditions are very important for everyone

  2. it is pretty, you procupation for the healthy of people.
    Having a nutritious diet is very important.
