martes, 28 de julio de 2020

A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

 This semester I don´t havent had fun studying any subject but Drawing in Engineering is a simple subject,drawing for me is something entertaining that I like to doit and this subject is about that, first we learned the different lines and what they mean in a drawing plan, the teacher gave us tips on how to get with the same pencil, strokes of different thicknesses, then we draw plans of houses and some part of our own house and to finish the final work is in a program called AutoCAD which little by little the teacher has explained us since It is somehow complicated, in every class  the teacher gives examples taken to the reality of our career and I know that it will serve me the moment I stop being a student and work in some industry, the tasks that are sent are fast to do and also the delivery time is a week what I consider good. 

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