sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

Country Blog

 I would like to go to Switzerland, because it is one of the countries that takes more care of the environment, I know that they have a very strict and advanced system of recycling where each inhabitant has conscience of how and where to recycle, in addition there is an economic incentive what I find very interesting, at first I would like to go as a tourist or student and to study a semester there to know a little more of its culture and depending on that to see if I would go to live, also it is said that it is a place where you do not have much nocturnal diversion or friends because the people are colder and competitive than in Chile.  I would like as a future food engineer to see the difference of the food packages and processes of each one, since these have notorious differences in the topic of energy expensend environmental care and together with this to know a new gastronomic culture.

5 comentarios:

  1. Interesting country! I did not know their advanced system of recycling

  2. WOW... I had´t idea of avanced system of recycling of this country. I knew that is famous for his chocolate.

  3. Nice! I didn't know about the recycling system, it seems like it's a country that we have to look up to
