domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

free topic

 My free choice topic for this blog is my grandparents, they are everything to me, my grandfather's name is Luis and my grandmother's name is Veronica and she has two daughters, both are over 75 years old but they are young or so they say jajaj, They met when they were fifteen years old and since then they have never been separated again. Last year we celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, which was fifty years ago, and for all my family it was a very important celebration because they are an example to follow, I was also lucky enough to meet my great-grandmother (my grandfather's mother) and realize what a beautiful person she was and understand a little more why my grandfather was so grateful for what he had accomplished, he worked many years in a plastic company where he achieved several goals and always dedicated his life to that until two years ago that for an illness had to leave him but it was time to enjoy a little more life and not sacrifice so much and my grandmother for its part was always home and who took care of me since I was a child while my mother worked so you understand why I say that for me they are everything

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