lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

My future job

 In the future I would like to work in the area of business as the supermarkets especially in Jumbo because for me they have a high level of sales and quality in their own brand and different products or I would also like to work in some airlines in the area of quality in food delivery, For the first thing I would like to do a course of economics and business after being qualified or perhaps working, this is something I always had in mind but this year as I decided to make an elective called introduction to business management to know a little more about the subject and see if it was as I thought and so I decided to study this more in some master, the course has become very interesting and useful, but also in the future I would like to work as I said in some airline and for this I must know very well the different rules of food on a plane because it is another world and perhaps innovate a little in this area and improve the quality of these foods because we all know that some airlines do not have a very good service, also travel and meet new places and different languages and cultures and that better than at the same time to exercise my career, would be a dream for me.

5 comentarios:

  1. I think it's a great idea, the first time I got on a plane I was a bit nervous and the collation they delivered helped me relax and left me satisfied

  2. Thats so cool, in my opinion the airplane food is so bad

  3. soo cool, be able to travel and give a better quality of food :PP

  4. I love everything you want to do in the future

  5. That sounds great, having to work and visit other countries is a dreams my pretty.. :D
    Oh!...and the imported food from Jumbo is very good, especially the cookies... XD
