lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2020

Retirement in Chile

Retirement in Chile is below the average of developed countries, in 2013 the OECD made a study that determined that in Chile pensions correspond to 51.8% of the last salary, while the average of countries is 64.1%, ie we are well below average. This means that if a person in his last 10 years of work earns $500,000 , in Chile he would retire with about $250,000. On the other hand, if we compare with the countries belonging to the group that lead in replacement rates, the Netherlands and Hungary, offer their retirees the equivalent of 101% and 95% of their last salaries, respectively.

Another of the data highlighted by the OECD in the area of pensions was that the retirement age in Chile for women is 70.4 years, when the legal age is 60. The issue is dramatic. People in Chile are delaying their retirement age because they cannot afford to survive. They have no other option, since with 51.8% of the current salary received, survival becomes unsustainable. 

It is unfortunate to know that a person works many years contributing to the country in different areas to have an undignified old age, there are different proposals that could improve this situation but unfortunately the priorities are different. 

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020

My future job

 In the future I would like to work in the area of business as the supermarkets especially in Jumbo because for me they have a high level of sales and quality in their own brand and different products or I would also like to work in some airlines in the area of quality in food delivery, For the first thing I would like to do a course of economics and business after being qualified or perhaps working, this is something I always had in mind but this year as I decided to make an elective called introduction to business management to know a little more about the subject and see if it was as I thought and so I decided to study this more in some master, the course has become very interesting and useful, but also in the future I would like to work as I said in some airline and for this I must know very well the different rules of food on a plane because it is another world and perhaps innovate a little in this area and improve the quality of these foods because we all know that some airlines do not have a very good service, also travel and meet new places and different languages and cultures and that better than at the same time to exercise my career, would be a dream for me.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2020

free topic

 My free choice topic for this blog is my grandparents, they are everything to me, my grandfather's name is Luis and my grandmother's name is Veronica and she has two daughters, both are over 75 years old but they are young or so they say jajaj, They met when they were fifteen years old and since then they have never been separated again. Last year we celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, which was fifty years ago, and for all my family it was a very important celebration because they are an example to follow, I was also lucky enough to meet my great-grandmother (my grandfather's mother) and realize what a beautiful person she was and understand a little more why my grandfather was so grateful for what he had accomplished, he worked many years in a plastic company where he achieved several goals and always dedicated his life to that until two years ago that for an illness had to leave him but it was time to enjoy a little more life and not sacrifice so much and my grandmother for its part was always home and who took care of me since I was a child while my mother worked so you understand why I say that for me they are everything

publication 3

 I decided to study food engineering because I find it too interesting to be part of the whole process of food from its harvest to its consumption. I consider it important to consume quality products and to know how the health rules were fulfilled both in the packaging process and in transport, in its chains of cold or heat and know about this has enormous benefits that start from the same health of the consumer and can become something much more global if someone decided to create their own innovative product as are some organic or that come from waste that was wasted and have many vitamins these can heal diseases as well as improve the lives of all, For me it is a unique world that can always be further developed and improved. I also decided to study this because I also like the economic part, managing the business side of the food industry but also knowing the product and this career encompassed all those points, Designing, organizing and managing industrial food establishments and Developing and participating in physical, chemical and microbiological transformation processes for food production.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020

A concert

 A concert that I will never forget was bad bunny in viña del mar in 2019, he is a singer of Latin Trap is 26 years old and was born in Puerto Rico, studied audiovisual communication, but left it to be a singer. The viña festival is in summer almost ending February and is every year, they broadcast it on television so I feel safe to go see it, because it is said that reggaeton concerts in Santiago are something dangerous ( a lot), also I went with 3 friends and we decided to stay a few days later enjoying the beach and summer vacation, the viña del mar festival has a very familiar atmosphere so I was fortunate enough to enjoy the whole show without any worries, the place where it takes place is Quinta Vergara and it is a very small stadium so it didn't matter where you stand or sit anyway you would see the artist very well, what I do remember is that getting the ticket was very difficult because they were sold out very quickly.

sábado, 17 de octubre de 2020

Country Blog

 I would like to go to Switzerland, because it is one of the countries that takes more care of the environment, I know that they have a very strict and advanced system of recycling where each inhabitant has conscience of how and where to recycle, in addition there is an economic incentive what I find very interesting, at first I would like to go as a tourist or student and to study a semester there to know a little more of its culture and depending on that to see if I would go to live, also it is said that it is a place where you do not have much nocturnal diversion or friends because the people are colder and competitive than in Chile.  I would like as a future food engineer to see the difference of the food packages and processes of each one, since these have notorious differences in the topic of energy expensend environmental care and together with this to know a new gastronomic culture.

martes, 28 de julio de 2020

A Subject you enjoyed studying this semester

 This semester I don´t havent had fun studying any subject but Drawing in Engineering is a simple subject,drawing for me is something entertaining that I like to doit and this subject is about that, first we learned the different lines and what they mean in a drawing plan, the teacher gave us tips on how to get with the same pencil, strokes of different thicknesses, then we draw plans of houses and some part of our own house and to finish the final work is in a program called AutoCAD which little by little the teacher has explained us since It is somehow complicated, in every class  the teacher gives examples taken to the reality of our career and I know that it will serve me the moment I stop being a student and work in some industry, the tasks that are sent are fast to do and also the delivery time is a week what I consider good. 

martes, 21 de julio de 2020

An expert on your field.

He is Eladio Duran, a teacher of my old high school, still works at school and does workshops for life and religion, even though they are subjects that are considered of little important in the formation of a student, his love for teaching inspired several of my classmates to follow their hearts and study something that would make them happy, he managed to make everyone pay attention regardless of the marks or if this would serve for the PSU , if you ever need advice you can go whith him and he is always there to help with a maximum disposition, I don't know much of his private life as he is rather a reserved person, but I know he didn't have a wife or children until 2017.

Here you can see a photo of the teacher in my eighth grade.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

A band I like

I don't have a favorite band but if I have to talk about a favorite band I would say that it is Maroon five, it is an American pop rock music band that was formed while they were in high school, its origin was in 2001 in Los Angeles Califronia.
I really like the music of this band, the lyrics and rhythm but also considering that Adam Levine, the singer of the band maroon five, is very charismatic, in concerts as will in the program The Voice where he was a jury and was one  of the most beloved.
My favorite song is payphone I love the rhythm of this song, the story it tells is very nice, the boy tries to save a girl from a bad relation, but he does not use the typical romantic rhythm and then when he calls her on the phone he falls in love with her.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

A photograph I like

I took this  photograph two years ago, on an island of Chiloe , this picture shows how  beautiful the nature is, I like this image because many people think that the best landscapes are in known places, but few families live in this place and I can say that this place is very beutiful maybe more than others. 

The important thing about this is that we just take care of our nature because I can not imagine a world where we cannot sit on a bech in vacation and look the tranquility of the sea sunrrounded by trees. 

What I like most about this photograph is that it reminds me of how beautiful those holidays with my family were and how much I learned from the people who live there.  

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020

My best friend

I have a best friend from seven years ago, I met her at school but we were in different courses because she was a mathematician and I was a chemistry, we got together at all recesses.
Her name is Javiera is very important to me, my family knows her and everyone considers her part of our family, she is a very good person, she always worried about the rest and I am very lucky to have her as my friend.  We always go out on vacation because since we left school it is more difficult to see each other, so my best memories are from summer, go to eat ice cream or dance on the beach and talk about a thousand thing is the best memories. I always see  the positive side and even if we don’t see each other now, when we get together have many things to talk and that is very entertaining, we can be hours talking about different things and that is very important to me, the trust.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020

My favorite piece of technology is my cell phone because it is very useful, my first cell phone was a gift from my mother, she wanted to communicate with me at all moments, also I moved to a school further from my home and the cell phone helped us to be in contact for any emergency, with the time I got to know a little more about  technology and the different uses it had.
Little by little I feel that I can´t leave my cell phone in my house if I go out because  I write everything on my cell phone, and I have my class schedule , my music for the way home, I feel that my cell phone helps me at all times especially because my memory is poor and with alarms and notes I can remember important things. My life without my cell phone would be a disaster and I would have to put post it  all over the place to not forget anything and with the music in the road to my house I don´t know.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

When I was a girl I wished to become a doctor ,Because I loved that job, It looked fun and interesting  to help many people, listen to their life stories and how got to the hospital  and learn something from them every day , but with the time my taste changed and I realized that I was very picky regarding food and I did not like many dishes but my parents always told me that It was very important to my body and that is why I was always interested in nutrition and food in general. When I had to decide my career  I only thought about money and the job field because I like them both.
I have a very good experience studying food engineering.